
Bonnie E. Melhart

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8EEMichael Newton, Bonnie E. Melhart: Implementation of Object-Oriented Protocol Agents in Communication Devices. ECBS 2001: 238-246
7EEDarren Dalcher, Mike Mannion, Jonah Z. Lavi, Reuven Gallant, Bonnie E. Melhart, Regina M. Gonzales: Engineering of Computer-Based Systems -A Proposed Curriculum for a Degree Program at Bachelor Level. ECBS 2001: 344-356
6EEBonnie E. Melhart, Stephanie White: Issues in Defining, Analyzing, Refining, and Specifying System Dependability Requirements. ECBS 2000: 334-
5EEBrian D. Chance, Bonnie E. Melhart: A Taxonomy for Scenario Use in Requirements Elicitation and Analysis of Software Systems. ECBS 1999: 232-
4EEJonah Z. Lavi, Bonnie E. Melhart, Ian Pyle: Engineering of computer-based systems-a proposed curriculum for a degree program at Master level. ECBS 1997: 54-
3EESteven McDonnell, Bonnie E. Melhart: Software assessment to support certification for an existing computer-based system. ECBS 1996: 190-197
2EEBonnie E. Melhart, Craig A. Morgenstern, Tom Nute: A compendium of processor allocation strategies for two-dimensional mesh connected systems. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(5): 497-514 (1995)
1EEMatthew S. Jaffe, Nancy G. Leveson, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Bonnie E. Melhart: Software Requirements Analysis for Real-Time Process-Control Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(3): 241-258 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Brian D. Chance [5]
2Darren Dalcher [7]
3Reuven Gallant [7]
4Regina M. Gonzales [7]
5Mats Per Erik Heimdahl [1]
6Matthew S. Jaffe [1]
7Jonah Z. Lavi [4] [7]
8Nancy G. Leveson [1]
9Mike Mannion [7]
10Steven McDonnell [3]
11Craig A. Morgenstern [2]
12Michael Newton [8]
13Tom Nute [2]
14Ian Pyle [4]
15Stephanie White [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)