
Markus Meister

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4EETim Gollisch, Markus Meister: Modeling convergent ON and OFF pathways in the early visual system. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5): 263-278 (2008)
3EEMartin Sedlmayr, Thomas Rose, Torben Greiser, Rainer Röhrig, Markus Meister, Achim Michel-Backofen: Automating Standard Operating Procedures in Intensive Care. CAiSE 2007: 516-530
2 Martin Sedlmayr, Thomas Rose, Rainer Röhrig, Markus Meister, Achim Michel-Backofen: Formalisierung und Automatisierung von SOPs in der Intensivmedizin. Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2007: 953-
1 Michael J. Berry II, Markus Meister: Refractoriness and Neural Precision. NIPS 1997

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Berry II [1]
2Tim Gollisch [4]
3Torben Greiser [3]
4Achim Michel-Backofen [2] [3]
5Rainer Röhrig [2] [3]
6Thomas Rose [2] [3]
7Martin Sedlmayr [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)