
Hagai Meirovitch

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8EES. Banu Ozkan, Hagai Meirovitch: Conformational search of peptides and proteins: Monte Carlo minimization with an adaptive bias method applied to the heptapeptide deltorphin. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(4): 565-572 (2004)
7EEB. Das, Hagai Meirovitch, I. Michael Navon: Performance of hybrid methods for large-scale unconstrained optimization as applied to models of proteins. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(10): 1222-1231 (2003)
6EEHagai Meirovitch: Polymer collapse, protein folding, and the percolation threshold. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(1): 166-171 (2002)
5EEFatih Yaar, Handan Arkin, Tarik Çelik, Bernd A. Berg, Hagai Meirovitch: Efficiency of the multicanonical simulation method as applied to peptides of increasing size: The heptapeptide deltorphin. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(12): 1127-1134 (2002)
4EEFatih Yaar, Tarik Çelik, Bernd A. Berg, Hagai Meirovitch: Multicanonical procedure for continuum peptide models. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(14): 1251-1261 (2000)
3EECanan Baysal, Hagai Meirovitch: Efficiency of simulated annealing for peptides with increasing geometrical restrictions. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(15): 1659-1670 (1999)
2EECanan Baysal, Hagai Meirovitch, I. Michael Navon: Performance of efficient minimization algorithms as applied to models of peptides and proteins. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(3): 354-364 (1999)
1EEHagai Meirovitch, Eva Meirovitch: Efficiency of monte carlo minimization procedures and their use in analysis of NMR data obtained from flexible peptides. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(2): 240-253 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Handan Arkin [5]
2Canan Baysal [2] [3]
3Bernd A. Berg [4] [5]
4Tarik Çelik [4] [5]
5B. Das [7]
6Eva Meirovitch [1]
7I. Michael Navon [2] [7]
8S. Banu Ozkan [8]
9Fatih Yaar [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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