
Konstantinos A. Meintanis

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3EERajiv Badi, Soonil Bae, J. Michael Moore, Konstantinos A. Meintanis, Anna Zacchi, Hao-wei Hsieh, Frank M. Shipman III, Catherine C. Marshall: Recognizing user interest and document value from reading and organizing activities in document triage. IUI 2006: 218-225
2EESoonil Bae, Rajiv Badi, Konstantinos A. Meintanis, J. Michael Moore, Anna Zacchi, Hao-wei Hsieh, Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III: Effects of Display Configurations on Document Triage. INTERACT 2005: 130-143
1EEHoh Peter In, Konstantinos A. Meintanis, Ming Zhang, Eul-Gyu Im: Kaliphimos: A Community-Based Peer-to-Peer Group Management Scheme. ADVIS 2004: 533-542

Coauthor Index

1Rajiv Badi [2] [3]
2Soonil Bae [2] [3]
3Hao-wei Hsieh [2] [3]
4Eul-Gyu Im [1]
5Hoh Peter In (Hoh In) [1]
6Catherine C. Marshall [2] [3]
7J. Michael Moore [2] [3]
8Frank M. Shipman III [2] [3]
9Anna Zacchi [2] [3]
10Ming Zhang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)