
Erik Meeuwissen

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6EEErik Meeuwissen, Paul Reinold, Cynthia Liem: Inferring and predicting context of mobile users. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(2): 79-86 (2007)
5EEJacco Brok, Bharat Kumar, Erik Meeuwissen, Harold J. Batteram: Enabling new services by exploiting presence and context information in IMS. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 83-100 (2006)
4EEHarold J. Batteram, Erik Meeuwissen, Jeroen van Bemmel: SIP message prioritization and its applications. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11(1): 21-36 (2006)
3EESietse van der Gaast, Abdelkader Hajjaoui, Erik Meeuwissen: Quality of service for SIP sessions in 3GPP-based networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(3): 127-134 (2004)
2EEWillem A. Romijn, Dirk-Jaap Plas, Dennis Bijwaard, Erik Meeuwissen, Gijs van Ooijen: Mobility management for SIP sessions in a heterogeneous network environment. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(3): 237-253 (2004)
1EEHarold J. Batteram, Erik Meeuwissen: Octavia: A software platform for next-generation services. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 139-154 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Harold J. Batteram [1] [4] [5]
2Jeroen van Bemmel [4]
3Dennis Bijwaard [2]
4Jacco Brok [5]
5Sietse van der Gaast [3]
6Abdelkader Hajjaoui [3]
7Bharat Kumar [5]
8Cynthia Liem [6]
9Gijs van Ooijen [2]
10Dirk-Jaap Plas [2]
11Paul Reinold [6]
12Willem A. Romijn [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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