
Kees van der Meer

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5 Frans Dondorp, Kees van der Meer: A Standardizing Harvester Design for Durable Web Content. ICWI 2003: 839-842
4 Frans Dondorp, Kees van der Meer: Generalizing (X)HTML Forms: A Proposal. ICWI 2002: 592-596
3 Ronald Dekker, Eugène Dürr, M. Slabbertje, Kees van der Meer: An Electronic Archive for Academic Communities. NDDL 2002: 1-11
2 Rene van Horik, Kees van der Meer: Building Blocks for Durable Metadata of Visual Sources. NDDL 2002: 80-92
1 H. H. Jeroen Lorist, Kees van der Meer: Standards for Digital Libraries and Archives: Digital Longevity. NDDL 2001: 89-98

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Dekker [3]
2Frans Dondorp [4] [5]
3Eugène Dürr [3]
4Rene van Horik [2]
5H. H. Jeroen Lorist [1]
6M. Slabbertje [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)