
Óscar Mealha

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4EEÓscar Mealha, Beatriz Sousa Santos, José Nunes, Florin Zamfir: Integrated Visualization Schemes for an Information and Communication Web Log Based Management System. IV 2004: 295-301
3EEBeatriz Sousa Santos, Florin Zamfir, Carlos Ferreira, Óscar Mealha, José Nunes: Visual Application for the Analysis of Web-Based Information Systems Usage: A Preliminary Usability Evaluation. IV 2004: 812-818
2 Jorge Abreu, Pedro Almeida, Vasco Branco, Óscar Mealha: The 2BeOn system - A multimedia workbench for telework and interactive television research. WebNet 2001: 21-22
1EEAntónio C. Valente, Óscar Mealha: Virtual images as a "line-test" to real image animation. CA 1997: 157-162

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Abreu [2]
2Pedro Almeida [2]
3Vasco Branco [2]
4Carlos Ferreira [3]
5José Nunes [3] [4]
6Beatriz Sousa Santos [3] [4]
7António C. Valente [1]
8Florin Zamfir [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)