
Judy McKay

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12EECatherine Lang, Judy McKay, Sue Lewis: Seven factors that influence ICT student achievement. ITiCSE 2007: 221-225
11EESuzanne Zyngier, Frada Burstein, Judy McKay: The Role of Knowledge Management Governance in the Implementation of Strategy. HICSS 2006
10EEHelana Scheepers, Judy McKay: An empirical assessment of the business value derived from implementing mobile technology: a case study of two organisations. ECIS 2004
9EEJudy McKay, Peter Marshall: Deriving business value from IT: converting IT expenditures into assets with desired impacts. ECIS 2004
8EEAdi Prananto, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall: Exploring the perceptions of inhibitors and drivers of e-business progression among SMEs at different stages of e-business maturity. ECIS 2004
7EEJoze Kuzic, Judy McKay: Pitfalls of Electronic Commerce in Large Corporations. ECIS 2004
6EEAdi Prananto, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall: Spectrum of e-business maturity in australian SMEs: a multiple case studies approach on the applicability of the stages of growth for e-business model. ECIS 2003
5EEAdi Prananto, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall: Frameworks to Support E-Business Growth Strategy. ECIS 2001
4EEPeter Marshall, Roger Sor, Judy McKay: The Impacts of Electronic Commerce in the Automobile Industry: An Empirical Study in Western Australia. CAiSE 2000: 509-521
3EEJudy McKay, Peter Marshall: Quality and Rigour of Action Research in Information Systems. ECIS 2000
2EEPeter Marshall, Roger Sor, Judy McKay: An Industry Case Study of the Impacts of Electronic Commerce on Car Dealerships in Western Australia. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 1(1): 1-12 (2000)
1 Judy McKay: Using Cognitive Mapping to Achieve Shared Understanding in Information Requirements Determination. Australian Computer Journal 30(4): 139-145 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Frada Burstein [11]
2Joze Kuzic [7]
3Catherine Lang [12]
4Sue Lewis [12]
5Peter Marshall [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
6Adi Prananto [5] [6] [8]
7Helana Scheepers [10]
8Roger Sor [2] [4]
9Suzanne Zyngier [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)