
James W. McGalliard

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15 James W. McGalliard, Carrie Spear: A Queue Simulation Tool for a High Performance Scientific Computing Center. Int. CMG Conference 2007: 535-546
14 Richard Glassbrook, James W. McGalliard: Performance Management at an Earth Science Supercomputer Center. Int. CMG Conference 2003: 739-750
13 James W. McGalliard, Gary Cline: Benchmark Driver Alternatives for Remote Computing. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 13-24
12 Bernard Domanski, James W. McGalliard: Sizing the Server(s) but Not Knowing Enough: Open System Performance Modeling. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 445-459
11 James W. McGalliard, Gary Cline: A Real World Stress Test of a Windows NT Servier Remote Computing Application. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 73-86
10 Kersi Bhiwandiwalla, David Ireland, John Betz, James W. McGalliard: Case Study Of A Synthetic Benchmark At The USDA National Information Technology Center. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 290-298
9 James W. McGalliard, Gary Cline, Joseph Shakelton: Performance Evaluation Of A CMOS Processor Using A Synthetic Assembler Benchmark. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 936-947
8 James W. McGalliard: Case Study Of Table-Top Sizing With Workload-Specific Estimates Of The Multi-Processor Effect. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 208-219
7 James W. McGalliard: Case Study Of Table-Top Sizing With Workload-Specific Estimates Of CPU Cache Performance. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 874-887
6 James W. McGalliard: Benchmarks and Protests: A Review of Protests of Performance and Capability Validation. Int. CMG Conference 1992: 1194-1195
5 James W. McGalliard: Contracting for Capacity, Revisited. Int. CMG Conference 1992: 915-922
4 James W. McGalliard, Christopher Roman: U.S. General Services Administration Performance and Capability Validation Guide. Int. CMG Conference 1990: 1356-1357
3 James W. McGalliard, Christopher Roman: Contracting for Capacity. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 1042-1046
2 James W. McGalliard: Benchmark Workload Data Normalization in a Multiple-Vendor Environment. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 177-184
1 James W. McGalliard, Ashok K. Thareja: Remote Workstation Emulation and Other Alternatives to RTE. Int. CMG Conference 1988: 401-406

Coauthor Index

1John Betz [10]
2Kersi Bhiwandiwalla [10]
3Gary Cline [9] [11] [13]
4Bernard Domanski [12]
5Richard Glassbrook [14]
6David Ireland [10]
7Christopher Roman [3] [4]
8Joseph Shakelton [9]
9Carrie Spear [15]
10Ashok K. Thareja [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)