
Sean McDirmid

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10EESean McDirmid: Living it up with a live programming language. OOPSLA 2007: 623-638
9EESean McDirmid, Robert M. Fuhrer, Julian Dolby, Eugene Vigdorchik: The first workshop on programming languages and integrated development environments (PLIDE). OOPSLA Companion 2007: 757
8EESean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh: SuperGlue: Component Programming with Object-Oriented Signals. ECOOP 2006: 206-229
7EESean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh, Matthew Flatt: A Framework for Modular Linking in OO Languages. JMLC 2006: 116-135
6EEJeffrey Overbey, Brian Foote, Paul Adamczyk, Jonathan Aldrich, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Christian Grothoff, Arvind Krishna, Sean McDirmid, Todd D. Millstein, Alex Potanin, Mandana Vaziri: Young guns/object orientation: the next generation. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 940-942
5EESean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh: Splice: Aspects That Analyze Programs. GPCE 2004: 19-38
4EESean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh: Aspect-oriented programming with Jiazzi. AOSD 2003: 70-79
3EERichard Cardone, Adam Brown, Sean McDirmid, Calvin Lin: Using mixins to build flexible widgets. AOSD 2002: 76-85
2 Sean McDirmid, Matthew Flatt, Wilson C. Hsieh: Jiazzi: New-Age Components for Old-Fashioned Java. OOPSLA 2001: 211-222
1EEEmin Gün Sirer, Robert Grimm, Brian N. Bershad, Arthur J. Gregory, Sean McDirmid: Distributed virtual machines: a system architecture for network computing. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 13-16

Coauthor Index

1Paul Adamczyk [6]
2Jonathan Aldrich [6]
3Elisa L. A. Baniassad [6]
4Brian N. Bershad [1]
5Adam Brown [3]
6Richard Cardone [3]
7Julian Dolby [9]
8Matthew Flatt [2] [7]
9Brian Foote [6]
10Robert M. Fuhrer [9]
11Arthur J. Gregory [1]
12Robert Grimm [1]
13Christian Grothoff [6]
14Wilson C. Hsieh [2] [4] [5] [7] [8]
15Arvind Krishna [6]
16Calvin Lin [3]
17Todd D. Millstein [6]
18Jeffrey Overbey [6]
19Alex Potanin [6]
20Emin Gün Sirer [1]
21Mandana Vaziri [6]
22Eugene Vigdorchik [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)