
Douglas McCune

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8EEKatarzyna Keahey, Michael E. Papka, Qian Peng, David P. Schissel, Gheni Abla, Takuya Araki, Justin Burruss, Eliot Feibush, Peter Lane, Scott Klasky, Ti Leggett, Douglas McCune, Lewis E. Randerson: Grid Support for Collaborative Control Room in Fusion Science. Cluster Computing 8(4): 305-311 (2005)
7EEKatarzyna Keahey, Michael E. Papka, Qian Peng, David P. Schissel, Gheni Abla, Takuya Araki, Justin Burruss, Eliot Feibush, Peter Lane, Scott Klasky, Ti Leggett, Douglas McCune, Lewis E. Randerson: Grids for Experimental Science: The Virtual Control Room. CLADE 2004: 4
6EEViraj Bhat, Scott Klasky, Scott Atchley, Micah Beck, Douglas McCune, Manish Parashar: High Performance Threaded Data Streaming for Large Scale Simulations. GRID 2004: 243-250
5EEArnold Kritz, Glenn Bateman, J. Kinsey, Alexei Pankin, T. Onjun, A. Redd, Douglas McCune, C. Ludescher, A. Pletzer, R. Andre, L. Zakharov, L. Lodestro, L. D. Pearlstein, R. Jong, W. Houlberg, P. Strand, J. Wiley, P. Valanju, H. St. John, R. Waltz: The National Transport Code Collaboration Module Library. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 108-113 (2004)
4EEAlexei Pankin, Glenn Bateman, Robert Budny, Arnold Kritz, Douglas McCune, Alexei Polevoi, Irina Voitsekhovitch: Numerical techniques used in Neutral Beam Injection modules. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 421-427 (2004)
3EEScott Klasky, Stéphane Ethier, Zhihong Lin, K. Martins, Douglas McCune, Ravi Samtaney: Grid -Based Parallel Data Streaming implemented for the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code. SC 2003: 24
2EEKatarzyna Keahey, T. W. Fredian, Qian Peng, David P. Schissel, Mary R. Thompson, Ian T. Foster, M. J. Greenwald, Douglas McCune: Computational Grids in Action: The National Fusion Collaboratory CoRR cs.DC/0301033: (2003)
1EEKatarzyna Keahey, T. W. Fredian, Qian Peng, David P. Schissel, Mary R. Thompson, Ian T. Foster, M. J. Greenwald, Douglas McCune: Computational Grids in action: the National Fusion Collaboratory. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(8): 1005-1015 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Gheni Abla [7] [8]
2R. Andre [5]
3Takuya Araki [7] [8]
4Scott Atchley [6]
5Glenn Bateman [4] [5]
6Micah Beck [6]
7Viraj Bhat [6]
8Robert Budny [4]
9Justin Burruss [7] [8]
10Stéphane Ethier [3]
11Eliot Feibush [7] [8]
12Ian T. Foster [1] [2]
13T. W. Fredian [1] [2]
14M. J. Greenwald [1] [2]
15W. Houlberg [5]
16H. St. John [5]
17R. Jong [5]
18Katarzyna Keahey (Kate Keahey) [1] [2] [7] [8]
19J. Kinsey [5]
20Scott Klasky [3] [6] [7] [8]
21Arnold Kritz [4] [5]
22Peter Lane [7] [8]
23Ti Leggett [7] [8]
24Zhihong Lin [3]
25L. Lodestro [5]
26C. Ludescher [5]
27K. Martins [3]
28T. Onjun [5]
29Alexei Pankin [4] [5]
30Michael E. Papka [7] [8]
31Manish Parashar [6]
32L. D. Pearlstein [5]
33Qian Peng [1] [2] [7] [8]
34A. Pletzer [5]
35Alexei Polevoi [4]
36Lewis E. Randerson [7] [8]
37A. Redd [5]
38Ravi Samtaney [3]
39David P. Schissel [1] [2] [7] [8]
40P. Strand [5]
41Mary R. Thompson [1] [2]
42P. Valanju [5]
43Irina Voitsekhovitch [4]
44R. Waltz [5]
45J. Wiley [5]
46L. Zakharov [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)