
Peter McCorquodale

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3EEPeter McCorquodale, Phillip Colella, Gregory T. Balls, Scott B. Baden: A Scalable Parallel Poisson Solver in Three Dimensions with Infinite-Domain Boundary Conditions. ICPP Workshops 2005: 163-172
2EEJean-Luc Vay, Phillip Colella, Alex Friedman, David P. Grote, Peter McCorquodale, D. B. Serafini: Implementations of mesh refinement schemes for Particle-In-Cell plasma simulations. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 297-305 (2004)
1 Alan Edelman, Peter McCorquodale, Sivan Toledo: The Future Fast Fourier Transform? PPSC 1997

Coauthor Index

1Scott B. Baden [3]
2Gregory T. Balls [3]
3Phillip Colella [2] [3]
4Alan Edelman [1]
5Alex Friedman [2]
6David P. Grote [2]
7D. B. Serafini [2]
8Sivan Toledo [1]
9Jean-Luc Vay [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)