
Michael C. McCord

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17EEHideo Watanabe, Katashi Nagao, Michael C. McCord, Arendse Bernth: An Annotation System for Enhancing Quality of Natural Language Processing. COLING 2002
16EEArendse Bernth, Michael C. McCord: The Effect of Source Analysis on Translation Confidence. AMTA 2000: 89-99
15EEMichael C. McCord, Arendse Bernth: The LMT Transformational System. AMTA 1998: 344-355
14 Arendse Bernth, Michael C. McCord: LMT for Danish-English Machine Translation. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1991: 179-194
13 Shalom Lappin, Michael C. McCord: A Syntactic Filter on Pronomial Anaphora for Slot Grammar. ACL 1990: 135-142
12 Shalom Lappin, Michael C. McCord: Anaphora Resolution in Slot Grammar. Computational Linguistics 16(4): 197-212 (1990)
11 Michael C. McCord: Slot Grammar: A System for Simpler Construction of Practical Natural Language Grammars. Natural Language and Logic 1989: 118-145
10 Michael C. McCord: Design of LMT: A Prolog-Based Machine Translation System. Computational Linguistics 15(1): 33-52 (1989)
9 Michael C. McCord: A Multi-Target Machine Translation System. FGCS 1988: 1141-1149
8 Michael C. McCord: Design of a Prolog-Based Machine Translation System. ICLP 1986: 350-374
7 Michael C. McCord, Verónica Dahl, Harvey Abramson: Introduction to Special Issue on Natural Language and Logic Programming. J. Log. Program. 3(4): 277-278 (1986)
6 Michael C. McCord: Modular Logic Grammars. ACL 1985: 104-117
5 Michael C. McCord: Semantic Interpretation for the Epistle System. ICLP 1984: 65-76
4 Verónica Dahl, Michael C. McCord: Treating Coordination in Logic Grammars. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 9(2): 69-91 (1983)
3 Michael C. McCord: Using Slots and Modifiers in Logic Grammars for Natural Language. Artif. Intell. 18(3): 327-367 (1982)
2 Michael C. McCord: Slot Grammars. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 6(1): 31-43 (1980)
1 Michael C. McCord: Procedural Systemic Grammars. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9(3): 255-286 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Harvey Abramson [7]
2Arendse Bernth [14] [15] [16] [17]
3Verónica Dahl [4] [7]
4Shalom Lappin [12] [13]
5Katashi Nagao [17]
6Hideo Watanabe [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)