
T. L. McCluskey

Thomas Leo McCluskey

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21EERon M. Simpson, Diane E. Kitchin, T. L. McCluskey: Planning domain definition using GIPO. Knowledge Eng. Review 22(2): 117-134 (2007)
20EET. L. McCluskey, Ron M. Simpson: Knowledge Formulation for AI Planning. EKAW 2004: 449-465
19 T. L. McCluskey, Donghong Liu, Ron M. Simpson: GIPO II: HTN Planning in a Tool-supported Knowledge Engineering Environment. ICAPS 2003: 92-101
18 T. L. McCluskey, N. Elisabeth Richardson, Ron M. Simpson: An Interactive Method for Inducing Operator Descriptions. AIPS 2002: 121-130
17EERon M. Simpson, T. L. McCluskey: A Tool Supported Structured Method for Planning Domain Acquisition. ISMIS 2002: 544-552
16 T. L. McCluskey, Margaret Mary West: The Automated Refinement of a Requirements Domain Theory. Autom. Softw. Eng. 8(2): 195-218 (2001)
15 Margaret Mary West, T. L. McCluskey: The Application of Machine Learning Tools to the Validation of an Air Traffic Control Domain Theory. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 10(4): 613-637 (2001)
14 T. L. McCluskey: Object Transition Sequences: A New Form of Abstraction for HTN Planners. AIPS 2000: 216-225
13EEMargaret Mary West, T. L. McCluskey: The application of a machine learning tool to the validation of an air traffic control domain theory. ICTAI 2000: 414-421
12EERon M. Simpson, T. L. McCluskey, Donghong Liu, Diane E. Kitchin: Knowledge Representation in Planning: A PDDL to OCLh Translation. ISMIS 2000: 610-618
11EERon M. Simpson, T. L. McCluskey, Donghong Liu: OCL-Graph: Exploiting Object Structure in a Plan Graph Algorithm. PuK 2000
10EET. L. McCluskey, Margaret Mary West: Towards the Automated Debugging and Maintenance of Logic-based Requirements Models. ASE 1998: 105-114
9 T. L. McCluskey, Margaret Mary West: A Case Study in the Use of Theory Revision in Requirements Validation. ICML 1998: 368-376
8EET. L. McCluskey, J. M. Porteous: Engineering and Compiling Planning Domain Models to Promote Validity and Efficiency. Artif. Intell. 95(1): 1-65 (1997)
7 T. L. McCluskey, Diane E. Kitchin, J. M. Porteous: Object-Centered Planning: Lifting Classical Planning from the Literal Level to the Object Level. ICTAI 1996: 346-353
6 T. L. McCluskey, J. M. Porteous, Y. Naik, C. N. Taylor, S. Jones: A Requirements Capture Method and its use in an Air Traffic Control Application. Softw., Pract. Exper. 25(1): 47-71 (1995)
5 T. L. McCluskey, J. M. Porteous: Learning Heuristics for Ordering Plan Goals through Static Operator Analysis. ISMIS 1994: 406-415
4 A. Goker, T. L. McCluskey: Towards an Adaptive Information Retrieval System. ISMIS 1991: 348-357
3 A. Goker, T. L. McCluskey: Incremental Learning in a Probalistic Information Retrieval System. ML 1991: 255-259
2 T. L. McCluskey: Deriving a Correct Logic Program from the Formal Specification of a Non-Linear Planner. ISMIS 1988: 466-475
1 T. L. McCluskey: Combining Weak Learning Heuristics in General Problem Solvers. IJCAI 1987: 331-333

Coauthor Index

1A. Goker [3] [4]
2S. Jones [6]
3Diane E. Kitchin [7] [12] [21]
4Donghong Liu [11] [12] [19]
5Y. Naik [6]
6J. M. Porteous [5] [6] [7] [8]
7N. Elisabeth Richardson [18]
8Ron M. Simpson [11] [12] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
9C. N. Taylor [6]
10Margaret Mary West [9] [10] [13] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)