
Bertrand Mazure

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26EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: On Approaches to Explaining Infeasibility of Sets of Boolean Clauses. ICTAI (1) 2008: 74-83
25EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: On Finding Minimally Unsatisfiable Cores of CSPS. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 17(4): 745-763 (2008)
24EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: Extraction d'ensembles minimaux incohérents basée sur la recherche locale. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 22(2): 161-181 (2008)
23EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: MUST: Provide a Finer-Grained Explanation of Unsatisfiability. CP 2007: 317-331
22EEOlivier Fourdrinoy, Éric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Eliminating Redundant Clauses in SAT Instances. CPAIOR 2007: 71-83
21EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: Boosting a Complete Technique to Find MSS and MUS Thanks to a Local Search Oracle. IJCAI 2007: 2300-2305
20EEOlivier Fourdrinoy, Éric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Reducing hard SAT instances to polynomial ones. IRI 2007: 18-23
19EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: Local-search Extraction of MUSes. Constraints 12(3): 325-344 (2007)
18 Éric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: Extracting MUSes. ECAI 2006: 387-391
17EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette: Tracking MUSes and Strict Inconsistent Covers. FMCAD 2006: 39-46
16 Éric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Cédric Piette, Lakhdar Sais: A new heuristic-based albeit complete method to extract MUCs from unsatisfiable CSPs. IRI 2006: 325-329
15EESylvain Darras, Gilles Dequen, Laure Devendeville, Bertrand Mazure, Richard Ostrowski, Lakhdar Sais: Using Boolean Constraint Propagation for Sub-clauses Deduction. CP 2005: 757-761
14EEÉric Grégoire, Richard Ostrowski, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Automatic Extraction of Functional Dependencies. SAT 2004
13EEGilles Audemard, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Dealing with Symmetries in Quantified Boolean Formulas. SAT 2004
12EEÉric Grégoire, Richard Ostrowski, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Automatic Extraction of Functional Dependencies. SAT (Selected Papers 2004: 122-132
11EERichard Ostrowski, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: Eliminating Redundancies in SAT Search Trees. ICTAI 2003: 100-104
10EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Using Failed Local Search for SAT as an Oracle for Tackling Harder A.I. Problems More Efficiently. AIMSA 2002: 51-60
9EERichard Ostrowski, Éric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Recovering and Exploiting Structural Knowledge from CNF Formulas. CP 2002: 185-199
8EEÉric Grégoire, Bertrand Mazure: About the incremental validation of first-order stratified knowledge-based decision-support systems. Inf. Sci. 142(1-4): 117-129 (2002)
7EEBertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: System Description: CRIL Platform for SAT. CADE 1998: 124-128
6 Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: Boosting Complete Techniques Thanks to Local Search Methods. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 22(3-4): 319-331 (1998)
5 Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: Tabu Search for SAT. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 281-285
4 Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: Checking Several Forms of Consistency in Nonmonotonic Knowledge-Bases. ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 122-130
3 Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: Local Search for Computing Normal Circumstances Models. Fuzzy Days 1997: 565-566
2 Yacine Boufkhad, Éric Grégoire, Pierre Marquis, Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais: Tractable Cover Compilations. IJCAI (1) 1997: 122-127
1 Bertrand Mazure, Lakhdar Sais, Éric Grégoire: An Efficient Technique to Ensure the Logical Consistency of Interacting Knowledge Bases. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 6(1): 27-36 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Gilles Audemard [13]
2Yacine Boufkhad [2]
3Sylvain Darras [15]
4Gilles Dequen [15]
5Laure Devendeville [15]
6Olivier Fourdrinoy [20] [22]
7Éric Grégoire [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
8Pierre Marquis [2]
9Richard Ostrowski [9] [11] [12] [14] [15]
10Cédric Piette [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26]
11Lakhdar Sais [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [20] [22]

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