
Sati Mazumdar

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5EEQianyu Dang, Sati Mazumdar, Patricia R. Houck: Sample size and power calculations based on generalized linear mixed models with correlated binary outcomes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 91(2): 122-127 (2008)
4EEAmy E. Begley, Gong Tang, Sati Mazumdar, Patricia R. Houck, John Scott, Benoit H. Mulsant, Charles F. Reynolds III: Use of OSWALD for analyzing longitudinal data with informative dropout. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 85(2): 109-114 (2007)
3EEWei Li, Sati Mazumdar, Vincent Arena, Nancy B. Sussman: A resampling approach for adjustment in prediction models for covariate measurement error. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 77(3): 199-207 (2005)
2EEWei Li, Vincent Arena, Nancy B. Sussman, Sati Mazumdar: Model validation software for classification models using repeated partitioning: MVREP. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 72(1): 81-87 (2003)
1EEB. Chandra, Sati Mazumdar, Vincent Arena, Nagender Parimi: Elegant Decision Tree Algorithm for Classification in Data Mining. WISE Workshops 2002: 160-169

Coauthor Index

1Vincent Arena [1] [2] [3]
2Amy E. Begley [4]
3B. Chandra [1]
4Qianyu Dang [5]
5Patricia R. Houck [4] [5]
6Wei Li [2] [3]
7Benoit H. Mulsant [4]
8Nagender Parimi [1]
9Charles F. Reynolds III [4]
10John Scott [4]
11Nancy B. Sussman [2] [3]
12Gong Tang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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