
Jean Mayer

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5EEJean Mayer: Case 6 of hadwiger's conjecture. III. The problem of 7-vertices. Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 381-387 (1993)
4EEJean Mayer: Conjecture de Hadwiger: k = 6. II - réductions de sommets de degré 6 dans les graphes 6- chromatiques contraction-critiques. Discrete Mathematics 101(1-3): 213-222 (1992)
3EEOleg V. Borodin, Jean Mayer: Decomposition of K13 into a torus graph and a graph imbedded in the Klein bottle. Discrete Mathematics 102(1): 97-98 (1992)
2EEJean Mayer: Hadwiger's conjecture (k=6) : Neighbour configurations of 6-vertices in contraction- critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 74(1-2): 137-148 (1989)
1EEKenneth Appel, Wolfgang Haken, Jean Mayer: Triangulation a v5 séparés dans le problème des quatre couleurs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 27(2): 130-150 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth Appel [1]
2Oleg V. Borodin [3]
3Wolfgang Haken [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)