
Vashek Matyas

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5EEVashek Matyas, Daniel Cvrcek, Jan Krhovjak, Marek Kumpost: Authorizing Card Payments with PINs. IEEE Computer 41(2): 64-68 (2008)
4EEVashek Matyas, Marek Kumpost: Location Privacy Pricing and Motivation. MDM 2007: 263-267
3EEDaniel Cvrcek, Marek Kumpost, Vashek Matyas, George Danezis: A study on the value of location privacy. WPES 2006: 109-118
2EEDaniel Cvrcek, Jan Krhovjak, Vashek Matyas: PIN (and Chip) or Signature: Beating the Cheating? Security Protocols Workshop 2005: 69-75
1EEVashek Matyas: PIN (and Chip) or Signature: Beating the Cheating? Security Protocols Workshop 2005: 76-81

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Cvrcek [2] [3] [5]
2George Danezis [3]
3Jan Krhovjak [2] [5]
4Marek Kumpost [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)