
Yasuo Matsuyama

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13EEYasuo Matsuyama, Fuminori Ohashi, Fumiaki Horiike, Tomohiro Nakamura, Shun'ichi Honma, Naoto Katsumata, Y. Hoshino: Image-to-Image Retrieval Using Computationally Learned Bases and Color Information. IJCNN 2007: 546-551
12EENaoto Katsumata, Yasuo Matsuyama, Takeshi Chikagawa, Fuminori Ohashi, Fumiaki Horiike, Shun'ichi Honma, Tomohiro Nakamura: Retrieval-Aware Image Compression, Its Format and Viewer Based Upon Learned Bases. ICONIP (2) 2006: 420-429
11EEYasuo Matsuyama, Ryo Kawamura: Promoter Recognition for E. coli DNA Segments by Independent Component Analysis. CSB 2004: 686-691
10EEYasuo Matsuyama, Satoshi Yoshinaga, Hirofumi Okuda, Keisuke Fukumoto, Satoshi Nagatsuma, Kazuya Tanikawa, Hiroto Hakui, Ryusuke Okuhara, Naoto Katsumata: Towards the Unification of Human Movement, Animation and Humanoid in the Network. ICONIP 2004: 1135-1141
9EEYasuo Matsuyama, Naoto Katsumata, Ryo Kawamura: Independent Component Analysis Minimizing Convex Divergence. ICANN 2003: 27-34
8 Yasuo Matsuyama: The alpha-EM algorithm: surrogate likelihood maximization using alpha-logarithmic information measures. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(3): 692-706 (2003)
7EEYasuo Matsuyama, Takeshi Niimoto, Naoto Katsumata, Yoshitaka Suzuki, Satoshi Furukawa: EM Algorithm and -ICA Learning Based upon Extended Logarithmic Information Measures. IJCNN (3) 2000: 351-356
6EEYasuo Matsuyama: The alpha-EM algorithm and its basic properties. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(11): 12-23 (2000)
5 Yasuo Matsuyama, Naoki Takeda, Satoshi Furukawa, Takeshi Niimoto: A Hierarchy from alfa-EM Algorithm to Vector Quantization and Self Organization. ICONIP 1998: 233-238
4 Yasuo Matsuyama: The Alpha-EM Algorithm: A Block Connectable Generalized Learning Tool for Neural Networks. IWANN 1997: 483-492
3EEMinoru Fujii, Yasuo Matsuyama: A new algorithm for resolving position reversal problems in stereo matching using dynamic programming. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(4): 25-35 (1997)
2 Yasuo Matsuyama, Robert M. Gray: Universal tree encoding for speech. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(1): 31-42 (1981)
1 Yasuo Matsuyama: Mismatch Robustness of Linear Prediction and Its Relationship to Coding Information and Control 47(3): 237-262 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Takeshi Chikagawa [12]
2Minoru Fujii [3]
3Keisuke Fukumoto [10]
4Satoshi Furukawa [5] [7]
5Robert M. Gray [2]
6Hiroto Hakui [10]
7Shun'ichi Honma [12] [13]
8Fumiaki Horiike [12] [13]
9Y. Hoshino [13]
10Naoto Katsumata [7] [9] [10] [12] [13]
11Ryo Kawamura [9] [11]
12Satoshi Nagatsuma [10]
13Tomohiro Nakamura [12] [13]
14Takeshi Niimoto [5] [7]
15Fuminori Ohashi [12] [13]
16Hirofumi Okuda [10]
17Ryusuke Okuhara [10]
18Yoshitaka Suzuki [7]
19Naoki Takeda [5]
20Kazuya Tanikawa [10]
21Satoshi Yoshinaga [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)