
Shoichi Matsunaga

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3EEAtsunori Ogawa, Yoshikazu Yamaguchi, Shoichi Matsunaga: Children's speech recognition using elementary-school-student speech database. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(12): 33-42 (2005)
2EEYoshihiko Hayashi, Katsutoshi Ohtsuki, Katsuji Bessho, Osamu Mizuno, Yoshihiro Matsuo, Shoichi Matsunaga, Minoru Hayashi, Takaaki Hasegawa, Naruhiro Ikeda: Speech-based and video-supported indexing of multimedia broadcast news. SIGIR 2003: 441-442
1EERyosuke Isotani, Shoichi Matsunaga: Speech Recognition Using a Stochastic Language Model Integrating Local and Global Constraints. HLT 1994

Coauthor Index

1Katsuji Bessho [2]
2Takaaki Hasegawa [2]
3Minoru Hayashi [2]
4Yoshihiko Hayashi [2]
5Naruhiro Ikeda [2]
6Ryosuke Isotani [1]
7Yoshihiro Matsuo [2]
8Osamu Mizuno [2]
9Atsunori Ogawa [3]
10Katsutoshi Ohtsuki [2]
11Yoshikazu Yamaguchi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)