
Kazuo Matsumura

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3EEWilliam B. Frakes, Ted J. Biggerstaff, Rubén Prieto Díaz, Kazuo Matsumura, Wilhelm Schäfer: Software Reuse: is it delivering? ICSE 1991: 52-59
2 Shinichi Honiden, Naoshi Uchihira, Kazunori Matsumoto, Kazuo Matsumura, Masahiko Arai: An Application of Structural Modeling and Automated Reasoning to Real-Time Systems Design. Real-Time Systems 1(4): 313-331 (1989)
1 Kazuo Matsumura, Hiroyuki Mizutani, Masahiko Arai: An Application of Structural Modeling to Software Requirements Analysis and Design. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(4): 461-471 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Masahiko Arai [1] [2]
2Ted J. Biggerstaff [3]
3William B. Frakes [3]
4Shinichi Honiden [2]
5Kazunori Matsumoto [2]
6Hiroyuki Mizutani [1]
7Rubén Prieto-Díaz (Rubén Prieto Díaz) [3]
8Wilhelm Schäfer [3]
9Naoshi Uchihira [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)