
Seiichi Matsuda

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2EEMasafumi Kusakawa, Harunaga Hiwatari, Tomoyuki Asano, Seiichi Matsuda: Efficient Dynamic Broadcast Encryption and Its Extension to Authenticated Dynamic Broadcast Encryption. CANS 2008: 31-48
1EESeiichi Matsuda, Naoki Kanayama, Florian Hess, Eiji Okamoto: Optimised Versions of the Ate and Twisted Ate Pairings. IMA Int. Conf. 2007: 302-312

Coauthor Index

1Tomoyuki Asano [2]
2Florian Hess [1]
3Harunaga Hiwatari [2]
4Naoki Kanayama [1]
5Masafumi Kusakawa [2]
6Eiji Okamoto [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)