
Anish Mathuria

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8EEAnshul Singhal, Vaibhav Garg, Anish Mathuria: Analysis and Enhancement of Two Key Agreement Protocols for Wireless Networks. COMSWARE 2007
7EEColin Boyd, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Anish Mathuria: An Extension to Bellare and Rogaway (1993) Model: Resetting Compromised Long-Term Keys. ACISP 2006: 371-382
6EEPraveen Kumar Vadnala, Anish Mathuria: An Efficient Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy. ICISS 2006: 205-219
5EEPawan Jadia, Anish Mathuria: Efficient Secure Aggregation in Sensor Networks. HiPC 2004: 40-49
4EEAnish Mathuria: Using a Formal Technique for Protocol Idealization: A Cautionary Note. DEXA Workshops 2002: 468-472
3EEColin Boyd, Anish Mathuria: Key establishment protocols for secure mobile communications: a critical survey. Computer Communications 23(5-6): 575-587 (2000)
2 Michiharu Kudo, Anish Mathuria: An Extended Logic for Analyzing Timed-Release Public-Key Protocols. ICICS 1999: 183-198
1EEColin Boyd, Anish Mathuria: Key Establishment Protocols for Secure Mobile Communications: A Selective Survey. ACISP 1998: 344-355

Coauthor Index

1Colin Boyd [1] [3] [7]
2Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo [7]
3Vaibhav Garg [8]
4Pawan Jadia [5]
5Michiharu Kudo [2]
6Anshul Singhal [8]
7Praveen Kumar Vadnala [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)