
Gabriel Mateescu

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8EEGabriel Mateescu, Wayne Podaima, Andre Charbonneau, Roger Impey, Meera Viswanathan, Ashok Agarwal, Patrick Armstrong, Ron Desmarais, Ian Gable, Sergey Popov, Simon Ramage, Randall J. Sobie, Daniel C. Vanderster, Darcy Quesnel: The GridX1 computational Grid: from a set of service-specific protocols to a service-oriented approach. HPCS 2007: 8
7EEGabriel Mateescu: Overcoming the processor communication overhead in MPI applications. SpringSim (2) 2007: 375-378
6EEGabriel Mateescu, Julio J. Valdés: Distributed Data Mining on Virtual Clusters. HPCS 2006: 6
5EEGabriel Mateescu, Jean-Claude Côte: Computational Science on the Grid: From Testbeds to Production. HPCS 2005: 202-208
4EEGabriel Mateescu: A Method for MPI Broadcast in Computational Grids. IPDPS 2005
3 Jean-Claude Côte, Mohamed Ahmed, Gabriel Mateescu, Roger Impey, Darcy Quesnel: Seamless and Secure Authentication for Grid Portals. WEBIST 2005: 140-145
2EEGabriel Mateescu: Parallel Sorting on Heterogeneous Platforms. HPCS 2002: 116-120
1EEJulio J. Valdés, Gabriel Mateescu: Time Series Model Mining with Similarity-Based Neuro-Fuzzy Networks and Genetic Algorithms: A Parallel Implementation. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2002: 279-288

Coauthor Index

1Ashok Agarwal [8]
2Mohamed Ahmed [3]
3Patrick Armstrong [8]
4Andre Charbonneau [8]
5Jean-Claude Côte [3] [5]
6Ron Desmarais [8]
7Ian Gable [8]
8Roger Impey [3] [8]
9Wayne Podaima [8]
10Sergey Popov [8]
11Darcy Quesnel [3] [8]
12Simon Ramage [8]
13Randall J. Sobie [8]
14Julio J. Valdés [1] [6]
15Daniel C. Vanderster [8]
16Meera Viswanathan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)