
Kenji Masui

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5EEKenji Masui, Youki Kadobayashi: A Role-Based Peer-to-Peer Approach to Application-Oriented Measurement Platforms. AINTEC 2007: 184-198
4EEKenji Masui, Youki Kadobayashi: Bridging the Gap Between PAMs and Overlay Networks: A Framework-Oriented Approach. PAM 2007: 265-268
3EEKenji Masui, Youki Kadobayashi: N-TAP: A Platform of Large-Scale Distributed Measurement for Overlay Network Applications. SAINT Workshops 2007: 60
2EEYukio Okada, Kenji Masui, Youki Kadobayashi: Proposal of Social Internetworking. Human.Society@Internet 2005: 114-124
1EEKenji Masui, Masahiko Tomoishi, Naoki Yonezaki: Design of UNIX System for the Prevention of Damage Propagation by Intrusion and Its Implementation Based on 4.4BSD. ISC 2001: 536-553

Coauthor Index

1Youki Kadobayashi [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Yukio Okada [2]
3Masahiko Tomoishi [1]
4Naoki Yonezaki [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)