
Dennis S. Marynick

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4EESor-Koon Goh, Dennis S. Marynick: Ability of fullerenes to act as 6 ligands in transition metal complexes. A comparative PM3(tm)-density functional theory study. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(16): 1881-1886 (2001)
3EEDennis S. Marynick: Accurate molecular electrostatic potentials based on modified PRDDO/M wave functions: III. Extension of the PESP method for calculation of electrostatic potential-derived atomic charges to compounds containing Li+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, Zn2+, and I. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(13): 1456-1469 (1998)
2EEDennis S. Marynick: Accurate molecular electrostatic potentials based on modified PRDDO/M wave functions: II. Electrostatic potentials inside the molecular van der Waals envelope. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(13): 1682-1693 (1997)
1EEDennis S. Marynick: Accurate molecular electrostatic potentials based on modified PRDDO/M wave functions. I. Electrostatic potential derived atomic charges. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(7): 955-969 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Sor-Koon Goh [4]

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