
Tomek Martyn

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5EETomek Martyn: A new approach to morphing 2D affine IFS fractals. Computers & Graphics 28(2): 249-272 (2004)
4EETomek Martyn: Tight bounding ball for affine IFS attractor. Computers & Graphics 27(4): 535-552 (2003)
3EETomek Martyn: An elementary proof of correctness of the Chaos Game for IFS and its hierarchical and recurrent generalizations. Computers & Graphics 26(3): 505-510 (2002)
2EETomek Martyn: On approximation accuracy of the Chaos Game's finite-time activity. Computers & Graphics 26(5): 753-764 (2002)
1EETomek Martyn: Efficient ray tracing affine IFS attractors. Computers & Graphics 25(4): 665-670 (2001)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)