
João Pavão Martins

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5EEEmanuel Santos, João Pavão Martins: A Default Logic Based Framework for Argumentation. ECAI 2008: 859-860
4EEHelena Sofia Andrade N. P. Pinto, João Pavão Martins: Ontologies: How can They be Built? Knowl. Inf. Syst. 6(4): 441-464 (2004)
3 Helena Sofia Andrade N. P. Pinto, João Pavão Martins: Evolving Ontologies in Distributed and Dynamic Settings. KR 2002: 365-374
2EEHelena Sofia Andrade N. P. Pinto, João Pavão Martins: A methodology for ontology integration. K-CAP 2001: 131-138
1 António Menezes Leitão, João Pavão Martins: SNePS and Semi-Structured Databases. SBBD 1999: 41-53

Coauthor Index

1António Menezes Leitão [1]
2Helena Sofia Pinto (Helena Sofia Andrade N. P. Pinto) [2] [3] [4]
3Emanuel Santos [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)