
Barnaby Martin

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10EEStefan S. Dantchev, Barnaby Martin, Mark Rhodes: Tight rank lower bounds for the Sherali-Adams proof system. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 2054-2063 (2009)
9EEBarnaby Martin: First-Order Model Checking Problems Parameterized by the Model. CiE 2008: 417-427
8EEHubie Chen, Florent R. Madelaine, Barnaby Martin: Quantified Constraints and Containment Problems. LICS 2008: 317-328
7EEBarnaby Martin: Model Checking Positive Equality-free FO: Boolean Structures and Digraphs of Size Three CoRR abs/0808.0647: (2008)
6EEBarnaby Martin, Florent R. Madelaine: Hierarchies in Fragments of Monadic Strict NP. CiE 2007: 542-550
5EEStefan S. Dantchev, Barnaby Martin, Stefan Szeider: Parameterized Proof Complexity. FOCS 2007: 150-160
4EEBarnaby Martin: On the Complexity of a Derivative Chess Problem CoRR abs/cs/0701049: (2007)
3EEStefan S. Dantchev, Barnaby Martin, Stefan Szeider: Parameterized Proof Complexity: a Complexity Gap for Parameterized Tree-like Resolution. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(001): (2007)
2EEBarnaby Martin, Florent R. Madelaine: Towards a Trichotomy for Quantified H-Coloring. CiE 2006: 342-352
1EEBarnaby Martin: Dichotomies and Duality in First-order Model Checking Problems CoRR abs/cs/0609022: (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Hubie Chen [8]
2Stefan S. Dantchev [3] [5] [10]
3Florent R. Madelaine [2] [6] [8]
4Mark Rhodes [10]
5Stefan Szeider [3] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)