
Rafael Martí

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24EEManuel Laguna, Abraham Duarte, Rafael Martí: Hybridizing the cross-entropy method: An application to the max-cut problem. Computers & OR 36(2): 487-498 (2009)
23EEJosé Luis González Velarde, Rafael Martí: Adaptive memory programing for the robust capacitated international sourcing problem. Computers & OR 35(3): 797-806 (2008)
22EERafael Martí, Vicente Campos, Estefanía Piñana: A branch and bound algorithm for the matrix bandwidth minimization. European Journal of Operational Research 186(2): 513-528 (2008)
21EEOscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, Jose Santamaría, Rafael Martí: Scatter Search for the Point-Matching Problem in 3D Image Registration. INFORMS Journal on Computing 20(1): 55-68 (2008)
20EEAbraham Duarte, Rafael Martí: Tabu search and GRASP for the maximum diversity problem. European Journal of Operational Research 178(1): 71-84 (2007)
19EECarlos G. Garcia, Dionisio Pérez-Brito, Vicente Campos, Rafael Martí: Variable neighborhood search for the linear ordering problem. Computers & OR 33(12): 3549-3565 (2006)
18EERafael Martí: Scatter Search - Wellsprings and Challenges. European Journal of Operational Research 169(2): 351-358 (2006)
17EERafael Martí, Manuel Laguna, Fred Glover: Principles of scatter search. European Journal of Operational Research 169(2): 359-372 (2006)
16EEAbdellah El-Fallahi, Rafael Martí, Leon Lasdon: Path relinking and GRG for artificial neural networks. European Journal of Operational Research 169(2): 508-519 (2006)
15EEOscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, Jose Santamaría, Rafael Martí: 3D Inter-subject Medical Image Registration by Scatter Search. Hybrid Metaheuristics 2005: 90-103
14EEVicente Campos, Manuel Laguna, Rafael Martí: Context-Independent Scatter and Tabu Search for Permutation Problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing 17(1): 111-122 (2005)
13EERafael Martí, Francisco Montes, Abdellah El-Fallahi: Approximating Unknown Mappings: An Experimental Evaluation. J. Heuristics 11(3): 219-232 (2005)
12EERafael Martí, Abdellah El-Fallahi: Multilayer neural networks: an experimental evaluation of on-line training methods. Computers & OR 31(9): 1491-1513 (2004)
11EEEstefanía Piñana, Isaac Plana, Vicente Campos, Rafael Martí: GRASP and path relinking for the matrix bandwidth minimization. European Journal of Operational Research 153(1): 200-210 (2004)
10EERafael Martí, Manuel Laguna: Heuristics and Meta-heuristics for 2-layer Straight Line Crossing Minimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(3): 665-678 (2003)
9EERafael Martí, Manuel Laguna: Scatter Search: Diseño Básico y Estrategias avanzadas. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 19: 123-130 (2003)
8EERafael Martí, J. Marcos Moreno-Vega: Métodos Multiarranque. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 19: 49-60 (2003)
7EEAngel Corberán, Rafael Martí, Eulalia Martínez, David Soler: The Rural Postman Problem on mixed graphs with turn penalties. Computers & OR 29(7): 887-903 (2002)
6EEAngel Corberán, Rafael Martí, José M. Sanchis: A GRASP heuristic for the mixed Chinese postman problem. European Journal of Operational Research 142(1): 70-80 (2002)
5EERafael Martí, Vicente Estruch: Incremental bipartite drawing problem. Computers & OR 28(13): 1287-1298 (2001)
4EEAngel Corberán, Rafael Martí, Antonio Romero: Heuristics for the Mixed Rural Postman Problem. Computers & OR 27(2): 183-203 (2000)
3EEManuel Laguna, Rafael Martí, Vicente Campos: Intensification and diversification with elite tabu search solutions for the linear ordering problem. Computers & OR 26(12): 1217-1230 (1999)
2 Elena Fernández, Rafael Martí: GRASP for Seam Drawing in Mosaicking of Aerial Photographic Maps. J. Heuristics 5(2): 181-197 (1999)
1EEManuel Laguna, Rafael Martí, Vicente Valls: Arc crossing minimization in hierarchical digraphs with tabu search. Computers & OR 24(12): 1175-1186 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Vicente Campos [3] [11] [14] [19] [22]
2Angel Corberán [4] [6] [7]
3Oscar Cordón [15] [21]
4Sergio Damas [15] [21]
5Abraham Duarte [20] [24]
6Abdellah El-Fallahi [12] [13] [16]
7Vicente Estruch [5]
8Elena Fernández [2]
9Carlos G. Garcia [19]
10Fred Glover [17]
11Manuel Laguna [1] [3] [9] [10] [14] [17] [24]
12Leon Lasdon [16]
13Eulalia Martínez [7]
14Francisco Montes [13]
15J. Marcos Moreno-Vega [8]
16Dionisio Pérez-Brito [19]
17Estefanía Piñana [11] [22]
18Isaac Plana [11]
19Antonio Romero [4]
20José M. Sanchis [6]
21Jose Santamaría [15] [21]
22David Soler [7]
23José Luis González Velarde [23]
24Vicente Valls Verdejo (Vicente Valls) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)