
Joe Marshall

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6EEJoe Marshall, Tony P. Pridmore, Mike Pound, Steve Benford, Boriana Koleva: Pressing the Flesh: Sensing Multiple Touch and Finger Pressure on Arbitrary Surfaces. Pervasive 2008: 38-55
5EEJoe Marshall, Steve Benford, Tony P. Pridmore: Eye-balls: juggling with the virtual. Creativity & Cognition 2007: 265-266
4EEJoe Marshall: Eye-balls: computer vision in the circus. Creativity & Cognition 2007: 290
3EEAnders Henrysson, Joe Marshall, Mark Billinghurst: Experiments in 3D interaction for mobile phone AR. GRAPHITE 2007: 187-194
2EEGreg Pettyjohn, John Clements, Joe Marshall, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen: Continuations from generalized stack inspection. ICFP 2005: 216-227
1 Christopher P. Dingman, Joe Marshall, Daniel P. Siewiorek: Measuring Robustness of a Fault Tolerant Aerospace System. FTCS 1995: 522-527

Coauthor Index

1Steve Benford [5] [6]
2Mark Billinghurst [3]
3John Clements [2]
4Christopher P. Dingman [1]
5Matthias Felleisen [2]
6Anders Henrysson [3]
7Boriana Koleva [6]
8Shriram Krishnamurthi [2]
9Greg Pettyjohn [2]
10Mike Pound [6]
11Tony P. Pridmore [5] [6]
12Daniel P. Siewiorek [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)