
William Marsh

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5EENorman Fenton, Martin Neil, William Marsh, Peter Hearty, Lukasz Radlinski, Paul Krause: On the effectiveness of early life cycle defect prediction with Bayesian Nets. Empirical Software Engineering 13(5): 499-537 (2008)
4EEWilliam Marsh, George Bearfield: Representing Parameterised Fault Trees Using Bayesian Networks. SAFECOMP 2007: 120-133
3EENorman E. Fenton, Martin Neil, William Marsh, Peter Hearty, David Marquez, Paul Krause, Rajat Mishra: Predicting software defects in varying development lifecycles using Bayesian nets. Information & Software Technology 49(1): 32-43 (2007)
2EEGeorge Bearfield, William Marsh: Generalising Event Trees Using Bayesian Networks with a Case Study of Train Derailment. SAFECOMP 2005: 52-66
1EENorman E. Fenton, William Marsh, Martin Neil, Patrick Cates, Simon Forey, Manesh Tailor: Making Resource Decisions for Software Projects. ICSE 2004: 397-406

Coauthor Index

1George Bearfield [2] [4]
2Patrick Cates [1]
3Norman Fenton [5]
4Norman E. Fenton [1] [3]
5Simon Forey [1]
6Peter Hearty [3] [5]
7Paul Krause [3] [5]
8David Marquez [3]
9Rajat Mishra [3]
10Martin Neil [1] [3] [5]
11Lukasz Radlinski [5]
12Manesh Tailor [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)