
M. E. Maron

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11EEM. E. Maron: An Historical Note on the Origins of Probabilistic Indexing. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(2): 971-972 (2008)
10EEDavid C. Blair, M. E. Maron: Full-text information retrieval: Further analysis and clarification. Inf. Process. Manage. 26(3): 437-447 (1990)
9EEM. E. Maron: Probabilistic design principles for conventional and full-text retrieval systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 24(3): 249-255 (1988)
8 David C. Blair, M. E. Maron: An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-Text Document-Retrieval System. Commun. ACM 28(3): 289-299 (1985)
7EEM. E. Maron: Open Problems in Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1983: 266-267
6 Stephen E. Robertson, M. E. Maron, William S. Cooper: The Unified Probabilistic Model for IR. SIGIR 1982: 108-117
5 M. E. Maron: Probabilistic Approaches to the Document Retrieval Problem. SIGIR 1982: 98-107
4EEWilliam S. Cooper, M. E. Maron: Foundations of Probabilistic and Utility-Theoretic Indexing. J. ACM 25(1): 67-80 (1978)
3EERoger E. Levien, M. E. Maron: A computer system for inference execution and data retrieval. Commun. ACM 10(11): 715-721 (1967)
2EEM. E. Maron: Automatic Indexing: An Experimental Inquiry. J. ACM 8(3): 404-417 (1961)
1EEM. E. Maron, J. L. Kuhns: On Relevance, Probabilistic Indexing and Information Retrieval. J. ACM 7(3): 216-244 (1960)

Coauthor Index

1David C. Blair [8] [10]
2William S. Cooper [4] [6]
3J. L. Kuhns [1]
4Roger E. Levien [3]
5Stephen E. Robertson (Stephen Robertson) [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)