
Shane Markstrum

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8EEShane Markstrum, Robert M. Fuhrer, Todd D. Millstein: Towards concurrency refactoring for x10. PPOPP 2009: 303-304
7EEBrian Chin, Daniel Marino, Shane Markstrum, Todd D. Millstein: Enforcing and validating user-defined programming disciplines. PASTE 2007: 85-86
6EEBrian Chin, Shane Markstrum, Todd D. Millstein, Jens Palsberg: Inference of User-Defined Type Qualifiers and Qualifier Rules. ESOP 2006: 264-278
5EEChris Andreae, James Noble, Shane Markstrum, Todd D. Millstein: A framework for implementing pluggable type systems. OOPSLA 2006: 57-74
4EEEverett Anderson, Kevin Eustice, Shane Markstrum, Mark H. Hansen, Peter L. Reiher: Mobile Contagion: Simulation of Infection and Defense. PADS 2005: 80-87
3EEBrian Chin, Shane Markstrum, Todd D. Millstein: Semantic type qualifiers. PLDI 2005: 85-95
2 Kevin Eustice, Leonard Kleinrock, Shane Markstrum, Gerald J. Popek, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Peter L. Reiher: Enabling Secure Ubiquitous Interactions. Middleware Workshops 2003: 76-80
1EEKevin Eustice, Leonard Kleinrock, Shane Markstrum, Gerald J. Popek, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Peter L. Reiher: Securing nomads: the case for quarantine, examination, and decontamination. NSPW 2003: 123-128

Coauthor Index

1Everett Anderson [4]
2Chris Andreae [5]
3Brian Chin [3] [6] [7]
4Kevin Eustice [1] [2] [4]
5Robert M. Fuhrer [8]
6Mark H. Hansen [4]
7Leonard Kleinrock [1] [2]
8Daniel Marino [7]
9Todd D. Millstein [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10James Noble [5]
11Jens Palsberg [6]
12Gerald J. Popek [1] [2]
13Venkatraman Ramakrishna [1] [2]
14Peter L. Reiher [1] [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)