
Erik Markert

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3EEUwe Proß, Erik Markert, Jan Langer, Andreas Richter, Chris Drechsler, Ulrich Heinkel: A Platform for Requirement Based Formal Specification. FDL 2008: 237-238
2EEErik Markert, Uwe Proß, Ulrich Heinkel: SpecScribe Analog - A Specification Tool Extension for Heterogeneous Systems. FDL 2008: 243-244
1EEErik Markert, Göran Herrmann, Dietmar Müller: System model of an inertial navigation system using SystemC-AMS. FDL 2005: 73-77

Coauthor Index

1Chris Drechsler [3]
2Ulrich Heinkel [2] [3]
3Göran Herrmann [1]
4Jan Langer [3]
5Dietmar Müller [1]
6Uwe Proß [2] [3]
7Andreas Richter [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)