
Juha Marila

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5EETeemu Tuomas Ahmaniemi, Vuokko Lantz, Juha Marila: Perception of dynamic audiotactile feedback to gesture input. ICMI 2008: 85-92
4EETeemu Tuomas Ahmaniemi, Vuokko Lantz, Juha Marila: Dynamic audiotactile feedback in gesture interaction. Mobile HCI 2008: 339-342
3EEJuha Marila, Sami Ronkainen: Time-out in user interface: the case of mobile text input. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(2): 110-116 (2004)
2EEJuha Marila, Sami Ronkainen: Time-Out in Mobile Text Input: The Effects of Learning and Feedback. Mobile HCI 2003: 91-103
1EEGaëtan Lorho, Jarmo Hiipakka, Juha Marila: Structured Menu Presentation Using Spatial Sound Separation. Mobile HCI 2002: 419-424

Coauthor Index

1Teemu Tuomas Ahmaniemi [4] [5]
2Jarmo Hiipakka [1]
3Vuokko Lantz [4] [5]
4Gaëtan Lorho [1]
5Sami Ronkainen [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)