
Maarten Mariën

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9 Johan Wittocx, Maarten Mariën, Marc Denecker: Grounding with Bounds. AAAI 2008: 572-577
8 Johan Wittocx, Maarten Mariën, Marc Denecker: Approximate Reasoning in First-Order Logic Theories. KR 2008: 103-112
7EEMaarten Mariën, Johan Wittocx, Marc Denecker, Maurice Bruynooghe: SAT(ID): Satisfiability of Propositional Logic Extended with Inductive Definitions. SAT 2008: 211-224
6EEMaarten Mariën, Johan Wittocx, Marc Denecker: Integrating Inductive Definitions in SAT. LPAR 2007: 378-392
5EEJoost Vennekens, Johan Wittocx, Maarten Mariën, Marc Denecker: Predicate Introduction for Logics with a Fixpoint Semantics. Part I: Logic Programming. Fundam. Inform. 79(1-2): 187-208 (2007)
4EEJoost Vennekens, Johan Wittocx, Maarten Mariën, Marc Denecker: Predicate Introduction for Logics with Fixpoint Semantics. Part II: Autoepistemic Logic. Fundam. Inform. 79(1-2): 209-227 (2007)
3EEJohan Wittocx, Joost Vennekens, Maarten Mariën, Marc Denecker, Maurice Bruynooghe: Predicate Introduction Under Stable and Well-Founded Semantics. ICLP 2006: 242-256
2EEMaarten Mariën, Rudradeb Mitra, Marc Denecker, Maurice Bruynooghe: Satisfiability Checking for PC(ID). LPAR 2005: 565-579
1EEMaarten Mariën, David Gilis, Marc Denecker: On the Relation Between ID-Logic and Answer Set Programming. JELIA 2004: 108-120

Coauthor Index

1Maurice Bruynooghe [2] [3] [7]
2Marc Denecker [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3David Gilis [1]
4Rudradeb Mitra [2]
5Joost Vennekens [3] [4] [5]
6Johan Wittocx [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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