
Daniela Marghitu

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4EEDaniela Marghitu, Elizabeth Zylla-Jones, Santosh B. Kulkarni: Use of Technology Enhanced Education to Improve Teaching and Learning Process. IJVR 7(1): 45-52 (2008)
3EEDaniela Marghitu, Chris Harmon, Kai Chang: Developing a universally accessible web portal for traditional and distance learning versions of a computer literacy course: an Auburn University case study. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 288-293
2 Daniela Marghitu, Jinghai Ma, Jackson Lin: Integrating IT Assessment Applications with University Software Administrative Systems. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 421-424
1 Daniela Marghitu, Jackson Lin, Jinghai Ma: Improving the educational process by using IT solutions: Emphasizing pedagogy and technology. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 489-492

Coauthor Index

1Kai Chang [3]
2Chris Harmon [3]
3Santosh B. Kulkarni [4]
4Jackson Lin [1] [2]
5Jinghai Ma [1] [2]
6Elizabeth Zylla-Jones [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)