
Sylvie Marcos

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5EEHocine Belkacemi, Sylvie Marcos: Robust subspace-based algorithms for joint angle/Doppler estimation in non-Gaussian clutter. Signal Processing 87(7): 1547-1558 (2007)
4EEHoucem Gazzah, Sylvie Marcos: Cramer-Rao bounds for antenna array design. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(1): 336-345 (2006)
3EERim Amara Boujemâa, Sylvie Marcos: Parallel Kalman filtering for optimal symbol-by-symbol estimation in an equalization context. Signal Processing 85(6): 1125-1138 (2005)
2EEL. Leïla Najjar Atallah, Sylvie Marcos: DOA estimation and association of coherent multipaths by using reference signals. Signal Processing 84(6): 981-996 (2004)
1EESylvie Marcos, Messaoud Benidir, Javier Sanchez-Araujo: An adaptive tracking algorithm for direction finding and array shape estimation in a nonstationary environment. VLSI Signal Processing 14(1): 107-118 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1L. Leïla Najjar Atallah [2]
2Hocine Belkacemi [5]
3Messaoud Benidir [1]
4Rim Amara Boujemâa [3]
5Houcem Gazzah [4]
6Javier Sanchez-Araujo [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)