
Patrick Marcel

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14EEArnaud Giacometti, Patrick Marcel, Elsa Negre: A framework for recommending OLAP queries. DOLAP 2008: 73-80
13 Hassina Mouloudi, Ladjel Bellatreche, Arnaud Giacometti, Patrick Marcel: Personalization of MDX Queries. BDA 2006
12EELadjel Bellatreche, Arnaud Giacometti, Patrick Marcel, Hassina Mouloudi, Dominique Laurent: A personalization framework for OLAP queries. DOLAP 2005: 9-18
11 Arnaud Giacometti, Dominique Laurent, Patrick Marcel, Hassina Mouloudi: A new way of optimizing OLAP queries. BDA 2004: 513-534
10 Arnaud Giacometti, Patrick Marcel, Hassina Mouloudi: Manipulation de représentations de cubes de données. EGC 2004: 109
9 Yeow Wei Choong, Dominique Laurent, Patrick Marcel: Computing appropriate representations for multidimensional data. Data Knowl. Eng. 45(2): 181-203 (2003)
8 Jean-François Boulicaut, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: Query-Driven Knowledge Discovery via OLAP manipulations. BDA 2001
7EEYeow Wei Choong, Dominique Laurent, Patrick Marcel: Computing Appropriate Representations for Multidimensional Data. DOLAP 2001
6EEJean-François Boulicaut, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: Query Driven Knowledge Discovery in Multidimensional Data. DOLAP 1999: 87-93
5 Jean-François Boulicaut, Patrick Marcel, Francois Pinet, Christophe Rigotti: Spreadsheet Generation from Rule-Based Specifications. DDLP 1998: 59-70
4 Mohand-Said Hacid, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: Rule-based restructuring and summarizing in multidimensional data-bases. JFPLC 1998: 115-134
3 Mohand-Said Hacid, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: A Rule-Based CQL for 2-Dimensional Tables. CDB 1997: 92-104
2 Mohand-Said Hacid, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: Extending Datalog for Ordered Multidimensional Databases. DDLP 1997: 0-
1 Mohand-Said Hacid, Patrick Marcel, Christophe Rigotti: A Rule-Based Data Manipulation Language for OLAP Systems. DOOD 1997: 417-418

Coauthor Index

1Ladjel Bellatreche [12] [13]
2Jean-François Boulicaut [5] [6] [8]
3Yeow Wei Choong [7] [9]
4Arnaud Giacometti [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
5Mohand-Said Hacid [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Dominique Laurent [7] [9] [11] [12]
7Hassina Mouloudi [10] [11] [12] [13]
8Elsa Negre [14]
9Francois Pinet [5]
10Christophe Rigotti [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)