
Alexis Marcano

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2EEDiego Andina, Aleksandar Jevtic, Alexis Marcano, J. Miguel Barrón-Adame: Error Weighting in Artificial Neural Networks Learning Interpreted as a Metaplasticity Model. IWINAC (1) 2007: 244-252
1EEEduardo A. Kinto, Emílio Del Moral Hernandez, Alexis Marcano, Javier Ropero Peláez: A Preliminary Neural Model for Movement Direction Recognition Based on Biologically Plausible Plasticity Rules. IWINAC (2) 2007: 628-636

Coauthor Index

1Diego Andina [2]
2J. Miguel Barrón-Adame [2]
3Emílio Del Moral Hernandez [1]
4Aleksandar Jevtic [2]
5Eduardo A. Kinto [1]
6Javier Ropero Peláez [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)