
Haci A. Mantar

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11EEHaci A. Mantar, Ibrahim T. Okumus, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin: Design and evaluation of inter-bandwidth broker signaling. Int. J. Communication Systems 21(8): 843-861 (2008)
10EEHaci A. Mantar: A scalable QoS routing model for diffserv over MPLS networks. Telecommunication Systems 34(3-4): 107-115 (2007)
9EEHaci A. Mantar: An Admission Control and Traffic Engineering Model for Diffserv-MPLS Networks. APNOMS 2006: 152-161
8EEHaci A. Mantar: A Quantitative QoS Routing Model for Diffserv Aware MPLS Networks. IPOM 2006: 61-71
7EEHaci A. Mantar: A QoS routing architecture for multi-domain networks. ISCN 2006: 236-241
6EEHaci A. Mantar, Ibrahim T. Okumus, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin: A Bandwidth-Broker Based Inter-domain SLA Negotiation. MMNS 2006: 134-140
5EEHaci A. Mantar, Ibrahim T. Okumus, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin: A scalable intra-domain resource management architecture for DiffServ networks. J. High Speed Networks 15(2): 185-205 (2006)
4EEIbrahim T. Okumus, Haci A. Mantar, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin: Inter-domain QoS routing on Diffserv networks: a region-based approach. Computer Communications 28(2): 174-188 (2005)
3EEJunseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin, Haci A. Mantar, Ibrahim T. Okumus: An implementation study of a dynamic inter-domain bandwidth management platform in DiffServ networks. NOMS (1) 2004: 321-334
2EEHaci A. Mantar, Junseok Hwang, Ibrahim T. Okumus, Steve J. Chapin: A scalable model for interbandwidth broker resource reservation and provisioning. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(10): 2019-2034 (2004)
1 Haci A. Mantar, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin, Ibrahim T. Okumus: A Scalable and Efficient Inter-domain QoS Routing Architecture for Diffserv Networks. Integrated Network Management 2003: 463-467

Coauthor Index

1Steve J. Chapin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11]
2Junseok Hwang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11]
3Ibrahim T. Okumus [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11]

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