
Todd Michael Mansell

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5EETodd Michael Mansell: A Target Classification Decision Aid. UAI 1997: 358-365
4EETodd Michael Mansell, Liz Sonenberg, Grahame B. Smith: AI Planning for Hazard Action Response. IEA/AIE 1995: 705-710
3 Todd Michael Mansell: Quantitative Operator Selection for Planning Under Uncertainty. AIPS 1994: 311-316
2EETodd Michael Mansell, Grahame B. Smith: Operator Selection While Planning Under Uncertainty. UAI 1994: 423-431
1EETodd Michael Mansell: A method for Planning Given Uncertain and Incomplete Information. UAI 1993: 350-358

Coauthor Index

1Grahame B. Smith [2] [4]
2Liz Sonenberg [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)