
Hugo Manguinhas

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9EEGilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, Bruno Martins, José Luis Borbinha: DIGMAP: A Digital Library Reusing Metadata of Old Maps and Enriching It with Geographic Information. ECDL 2008: 434-435
8EEHugo Manguinhas, Bruno Martins, José Luis Borbinha: A geo-temporal Web gazetteer integrating data from multiple sources. ICDIM 2008: 146-153
7EEBruno Martins, Hugo Manguinhas, José Luis Borbinha: Extracting and Exploring the Geo-Temporal Semantics of Textual Resources. ICSC 2008: 1-9
6EEGilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, Bruno Martins: Digmap: a service for searching and browsing old maps. JCDL 2008: 431
5EEHugo Manguinhas, José Luis Borbinha: Quality Control of Metadata: A Case with UNIMARC. ECDL 2006: 244-255
4EEHugo Manguinhas, Nuno Freire, José Luis Borbinha: Management of Metadata Standards: The Case of UNIMARC. ICADL 2006: 264-273
3EENuno Freire, Hugo Manguinhas, José Luis Borbinha: Metadata Spaces: The Concept and a Case with REPOX. ICADL 2006: 293-302
2EEHugo Manguinhas, José Luis Borbinha: MANGAS infrastructure. JCDL 2006: 380
1EEJosé Luis Borbinha, Hugo Manguinhas: The UNIMARC Metadata Registry. ECDL 2005: 539-540

Coauthor Index

1José Luis Borbinha [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
2Nuno Freire [3] [4]
3João Luzio [6] [9]
4Bruno Martins [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Gilberto Pedrosa [6] [9]

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