
Armando Manduca

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19EEJoshua Trzasko, Armando Manduca, Eric Borisch: Robust Kernel Methods for Sparse MR Image Reconstruction. MICCAI (1) 2007: 809-816
18EEJoyce R. McLaughlin, Daniel Renzi, Jeong-Rock Yoon, Richard L. Ehman, Armando Manduca: Variance controlled shear stiffness images for MRE data. ISBI 2006: 960-963
17EEJoshua Trzasko, Stephen J. Riederer, Armando Manduca: Real-Time Tracking of Contrast Bolus Propagation in Continuously Moving Table MR Angiography. MICCAI (1) 2006: 824-831
16EEPaul McCracken, Armando Manduca, Joel P. Felmlee, Richard L. Ehman: Transient MR Elastography: Modeling Traumatic Brain Injury. MICCAI (2) 2004: 1081-1082
15 Mostafa Fatemi, Armando Manduca, James F. Greenleaf: Imaging elastic properties of biological tissues by low-frequency harmonic vibration. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(10): 1503-1519 (2003)
14EEArmando Manduca, Travis E. Oliphant, M. A. Dresner, David S. Lake, James F. Greenleaf, Richard L. Ehman: Comparative evaluation of inversion algorithms for magnetic resonance elastography. ISBI 2002: 997-1000
13EEArmando Manduca, David S. Lake, Richard L. Ehman: Spatio-temporal Directional Filtering for Improved Inversion of MR Elastography Images. MICCAI (2) 2002: 293-299
12EEE. Brian Welch, Armando Manduca, Roger C. Grimm, Heidi A. Ward, Clifford R. Jack Jr.: Spherical Navigator Echoes for Full 3-D Rigid Body Motion Measurement in MRI. MICCAI 2001: 1235-1236
11EEE. Brian Welch, Armando Manduca: Motion Correction of MRI from Orthogonal k-Space Phase Difference. MICCAI 2001: 1318-1319
10EEYi Su, Armando Manduca, Clifford R. Jack Jr., E. Brian Welch, Richard L. Ehman: Full 3D Rigid Body Automatic Motion Correction of MRI Images. MICCAI 2001: 1326-1327
9EEArmando Manduca, Kiaran P. McGee, E. Brian Welch, Joel P. Felmlee, Richard L. Ehman: Autofocusing of Clinical Shoulder MR Images for Correction of Motion Artifacts. MICCAI 1998: 598-605
8EEArmando Manduca, Vinayak Dutt, David T. Borup, Raja Muthupillai, Richard L. Ehman, James F. Greenleaf: Reconstruction of Elasticity and Attenuation Maps in Shear Wave Imaging: An Inverse Approach. MICCAI 1998: 606-613
7 Benjamin H. Brinkmann, Armando Manduca, Richard A. Robb: Optimized Homorphic Unsharp Masking for MR Grayscale Inhomogeneity Correction. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(2): 161-171 (1998)
6 Marek Belohlavek, Armando Manduca, Thomas Behrenbeck, James B. Seward, James F. Greenleaf: Image Analysis Using Modified Self-Organizing Maps: Automated Delineation of the Left Ventricular Cavity Boundary in Serial Echocardiograms. VBC 1996: 247-252
5 Armando Manduca, Raja Muthupillai, P. J. Rossman, James F. Greenleaf, Richard L. Ehman: Visualization of Tissue Elasticity by Magnetic Resonance Elastography. VBC 1996: 63-68
4EEArmando Manduca: Multispectral image visualization with nonlinear projections. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(10): 1486-1490 (1996)
3EEB. M. Cameron, Armando Manduca, Richard A. Robb: Surface generation for virtual reality displays with a limited polygonal budget. ICIP 1995: 438-441
2 Armando Manduca: Multi-Spectral Medical Image Visualization with Self-Organizing Maps. ICIP (1) 1994: 633-637
1EEArmando Manduca, Paul Christy, Richard L. Ehman: Neural Network Diagnosis of Avascular Necrosis from Magnetic Resonance Images. NIPS 1991: 645-650

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Behrenbeck [6]
2Marek Belohlavek [6]
3Eric Borisch [19]
4David T. Borup [8]
5Benjamin H. Brinkmann [7]
6B. M. Cameron [3]
7Paul Christy [1]
8M. A. Dresner [14]
9Vinayak Dutt [8]
10Richard L. Ehman [1] [5] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [16] [18]
11Mostafa Fatemi [15]
12Joel P. Felmlee [9] [16]
13James F. Greenleaf [5] [6] [8] [14] [15]
14Roger C. Grimm [12]
15Clifford R. Jack Jr. [10] [12]
16David S. Lake [13] [14]
17Paul McCracken [16]
18Kiaran P. McGee [9]
19Joyce R. McLaughlin [18]
20Raja Muthupillai [5] [8]
21Travis E. Oliphant [14]
22Daniel Renzi [18]
23Stephen J. Riederer [17]
24Richard A. Robb [3] [7]
25P. J. Rossman [5]
26James B. Seward [6]
27Yi Su [10]
28Joshua Trzasko [17] [19]
29Heidi A. Ward [12]
30E. Brian Welch [9] [10] [11] [12]
31Jeong-Rock Yoon [18]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)