
Stefan Mandl

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10 David Elsweiler, Stefan Mandl, Leif Azzopardi: Evaluating Personal Information Management Behaviour using Markov Models. Wissensmanagement 2009: 280-288
9 Sebastian Schmidt, Stefan Mandl, Bernd Ludwig, Herbert Stoyan: Product-advisory on the web: An information extraction approach. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 678-683
8EEStefan Mandl, Bernd Ludwig: Coping with Unconsidered Context of Formalized Knowledge. CONTEXT 2007: 342-355
7 Bernd Ludwig, Stefan Mandl: How to Analyze Free Text Descriptions for Recommending TV Programmes? ECAI 2006: 821-822
6 Bernd Ludwig, Stefan Mandl, Peter Reiß, Günther Görz, Herbert Stoyan: Natürlichsprachliche Bedienung technischer Systeme. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2006: 146-153
5EEBernd Ludwig, Stefan Mandl, Sebastian von Mammen: What's on tonight: user-centered and situation-aware proposals for TV programmes. IUI 2006: 258-260
4EEHerbert Stoyan, Stefan Mandl, Sebastian Schmidt, Mario Vogel: An Agent-Based Approach to Correctness in Databases. Data Management in a Connected World 2005: 37-47
3 Stefan Mandl, Herbert Stoyan: Evolution of teams for the asynchronous pursuit domain. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 20(4): (2005)
2 Niko Böhm, Gabriella Kókai, Stefan Mandl: Evolving a Heuristic Function for the Game of Tetris. LWA 2004: 118-122
1EEStefan Mandl, Herbert Stoyan: Evolution of Agent Coordination in an Asynchronous Version of the Predator-Prey Pursuit Game. MATES 2004: 47-57

Coauthor Index

1Leif Azzopardi [10]
2Niko Böhm [2]
3David Elsweiler [10]
4Günther Görz [6]
5Gabriella Kókai [2]
6Bernd Ludwig [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Sebastian von Mammen [5]
8Peter Reiß [6]
9Sebastian Schmidt [4] [9]
10Herbert Stoyan [1] [3] [4] [6] [9]
11Mario Vogel [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)