
B. A. Mamedov

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4EEB. A. Mamedov: Accurate evaluation of integrals arising from the bulk electron densities in quantum wells of high electron mobility transistors. Computer Physics Communications 178(9): 673-675 (2008)
3EEI. I. Guseinov, B. A. Mamedov, A. S. Ekenoglu: Exact analytical expressions and numerical analysis of two-center Franck-Condon factors and matrix elements over displaced harmonic oscillator wave functions. Computer Physics Communications 175(3): 226-231 (2006)
2EEI. I. Guseinov, B. A. Mamedov: Calculation of the generalized Hubbell rectangular source integrals using binomial coefficients. Applied Mathematics and Computation 161(1): 285-292 (2005)
1EEB. A. Mamedov, R. Tapramaz, Z. Merdan: Calculation of generalized elliptic type integrals using the binomial expansion theorem. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1): 333-341 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1A. S. Ekenoglu [3]
2I. I. Guseinov [2] [3]
3Z. Merdan [1]
4R. Tapramaz [1]

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