
Yogesh Malhotra

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6EEYogesh Malhotra, Dennis F. Galletta: Building systems that users want to use. Commun. ACM 47(12): 88-94 (2004)
5EEYogesh Malhotra, Dennis F. Galletta: Role of Commitment and Motivation in Knowledge Management Systems Implementation: Theory, Conceptualization, and Measurement of Antecedents of Success. HICSS 2003: 115
4EEYogesh Malhotra: Expert systems for knowledge management: crossing the chasm between information processing and sense making. Expert Syst. Appl. 20(1): 7-16 (2001)
3 Yogesh Malhotra: Integrating knowledge management in e-business. IRMA Conference 2000: 1216
2 Yogesh Malhotra: Organizational controls as enablers and constraints in successful knowledge management systems implementation. IRMA Conference 2000: 192-196
1EEYogesh Malhotra, Dennis F. Galletta: Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to Account for Social Influence: Theoretical Bases and Empirical Validation. HICSS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Dennis F. Galletta [1] [5] [6]

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