
Carlo C. Maley

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4 Carlo C. Maley, Stephen J. Tapscott: Selective Instability: Maternal Effort and the Evolution of Gene Activation and Deactivation Rates. Artificial Life 9(3): 317-326 (2003)
3 Carlo C. Maley, Stephanie Forrest: Exploring the Relationship Between Neutral and Selective Mutations in Cancer. Artificial Life 6(4): 325-345 (2000)
2 Carlo C. Maley: DNA Computation: Theory, Practice, and Prospects. Evolutionary Computation 6(3): 201-229 (1998)
1 Carlo C. Maley: The Coevolution of Mutation Rates. ECAL 1995: 219-233

Coauthor Index

1Stephanie Forrest [3]
2Stephen J. Tapscott [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)