
A. Malek

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6EEM. Yashtini, A. Malek: A discrete-time neural network for solving nonlinear convex problems with hybrid constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation 195(2): 576-584 (2008)
5EEM. Yashtini, A. Malek: Solving complementarity and variational inequalities problems using neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(1): 216-230 (2007)
4EEA. Malek, M. Alipour: Numerical solution for linear and quadratic programming problems using a recurrent neural network. Applied Mathematics and Computation 192(1): 27-39 (2007)
3EEA. Malek, R. Shekari Beidokhti: Numerical solution for high order differential equations using a hybrid neural network - Optimization method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(1): 260-271 (2006)
2EEA. Malek, A. Yari: Primal-dual solution for the linear programming problems using neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 198-211 (2005)
1EEA. Malek, H. G. Oskoei: Numerical solutions for constrained quadratic problems using high-performance neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(1): 451-471 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1M. Alipour [4]
2R. Shekari Beidokhti [3]
3H. G. Oskoei [1]
4A. Yari [2]
5M. Yashtini [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)